Monday, January 16, 2012

catching up my last post was in June, and my how things have changed since then. I want to just share a few things about the year 2011.

We have never been through so much in one year. It started out to be a good year, and in April I was blessed with a job. Let me say that I had not worked a full time public job in 7 years and it was a major change for us but I loved it, I was working about 2 weeks when Kenny (Kris's dad) had a heart attack. We have known for some time that he was not in the best of health, but he always pulled through and he did this as well. A month later he passed away from a blood clot. Not at all what we were expecting. We made it through this with the help of God and each other and it brought the whole family a little closer.

The summer was good, other then struggling to keep the kids cared for while I worked. In October we were told that our brother in law (Calvin Harp) was diagnosed with pancreatic about a smack in the face. We were totally blown out of the water with one. He was a perfect picture of health other then a "bit" over weight, but most of us are. What a struggle that was, He was so positive about it all, determined that he would beat it. He started his chemo and did very well with it, but in early December he started vomiting blood and had to be put on a vent. I decided just before this happened that I needed to quit my job to help take care of him, and to be with my family as Kris was stepping up to work on the farm. He spent a little over two weeks on the vent, during that time he had a massive stroke, and it was down hill from there. He came home from the hospital the Tuesday after Christmas and he passed away that Friday (Dec 30)! We know that is was VICTORIOUS even in his battle. There is no telling the number of people that prayed on his behalf that may not have prayed, or even talked to God in years! The diagnosis came just days before we started to strip tobacco and let me tell you how great this small community was. There were over 105 people that came out to help in the barn, many of them would come at night after they had worked a full day at their job. I have just been in AWE of what they have done.

While trying to get through it all, my grandmother passed away they Thursday before Christmas, so my family left on Christmas night to go to Nebraska for her funeral. While gone the new puppy that the boys got for Christmas was run over and killed!!

TUFF does not describe what it has been, but with the comfort and grace of God we have made it through it all. Still not understanding why some of the things have happened we push on each day!!

I am praying that 2012 will be a better year for our family.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Camp 2011

Again, I am so not good at this, but life is so busy.

I am spending this week at church camp again with the youth of River Pointe, and I am blown away by the amazing work that God is doing here! We have brought 9 students with us this year and I have been blessed with the chance to see two of them give their life to Christ!! What an amazing thing to witness!

Coming to camp is such an exciting thing for me, it takes me back to my younger days, the rush of it all! Yet at the same time it is a scary thing for me. I leave Kris and the boys home alone to fend for themselves! I don't do this often, I am always the one there to take care of it all! This year has been a little easier then last, maybe because it is the second year and because the boys are a little older. I enjoy my time away and I know that they enjoy the "male" bonding that they get to have. I have not doubted that Kris can not take of them, but I worry about him taking care of all their needs! Those of you that know him, know that he sleeps like a rock, he stays up all night and sleeps all day! If the boys need him will he be awake or will they be able to wake him up!! That is what runs through my mind! But let me tell you that he never ceases to amaze me! God takes care of them all and changes who Kris is during the week! He cooks (real meals, like pork chops and grilled chicken) he does dishes and laundry and he picks up the house!! It is nice to know that I can leave home for a time and they are able to survive!

Although that may not seem like a big deal to many of you, that is a GREAT thing for me. When I am home I am the complete house wife, although I am not just a house wife anymore. I do all the above and work full time and everything else that needs to be done! I don't want to sound like I am complaining because I love what I do and I would not change a bit of it!! God just totally blows be out of the water by the things he does!!

I hope to post again about this week every soon!

Thursday, December 16, 2010 sure has been a long time

So I have decided that I am no good at this!! I really want to keep this up, and am so inspired when I read the blog of a friend, so with that I say thank you to all of you that do keep it up!!

There have been a lot of changes in the Trent house for the year of 2010 but I have to say that the biggest is that we have bought our first home!! To me this comes with many scary thoughts!! I LOVE the idea of owning my own home, but the thought of having to be the person responisble if something happens is just scary!! We do not always have the extra money to spend on the things we "want" and that makes it hard, although we do always have the things we need!!

Anyway I will get some pictures of the home on here!! My goal for the new year is going to be to keep up with my blog, lets see if I can do it!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

looking into the future

This is from our first MarriedLife event! It was the coldest night of the year, but was so worth it!
Kris and I, like most couples struggle with our day to day lives. We have found an amazing church to call home, with amazing people that we call family. This place is by no means your traditional church. Yes, it is a baptist church and we worship the most amazing God that any could, but the church focus's on family. There is not much that is done that is not done with the family in mind. Rather then having a traditional Wednesday night service we have Pointe Groups, also known as small group bible studies. These are done in different homes, and consist of about 3-4 couples per group. We meet for 3 months and then take a month off! This quarter we were offered a group taught by our paster for married couples. Let me say that there are 4 Pointe Groups and all are lead by great people who could teach me so much, but when I saw the one for married couples on the list I knew instantly that we would be attending that one.

We meet for the first time last night, Kris and I were the only couple there. I have to admit that I was SO excited. From the outside looking in our marriage is great, and yes it is great, but we still need a lot of work and we need to learn how to put God in the center of it. I think that Kris and I both still learning to put God first and to seek what his desires are for us. We had a great meeting with Tony and are both ready for next weeks meeting. Tony sent us home with things to work on, and we have to go back next week and be accountable for them. I am truly excited to see what we can gain from these meetings. I love to go to small groups and learn about God and his love for us, but I have to admit that there are times that I leave and am more confused then when they started, or I can leave and not see where I fit in to the mix of what was discussed. But last night it was personalized for Kris and I, it was what we needed and we both gained so much from it!

God is so great to know what we need and when we need it. He placed us at River Pointe at the perfect time and with the perfect people. Each person in that church had richly blessed us, each individual and as a family! I look forward to all that God has in store for us there!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

catch up

Well, I have not posted since August! I knew I would not be good at this!! What a year this has been! Kris and I just sold our first tobacco crop, and from what I can tell it did good! I was pleased with what it brought! Our goal is to payoff what we owe on all other things and then to start looking at houses! That is what I am excited about!

I have decided that I am going to start working at a salon in Etown. I have chosen Salon Session and am excited to begin work there. I feel that with it being a bigger city, I can build a bigger clientele. I have prayed about this and really do believe that this is where God is leading me. I have also started going to back to school to finish my associates degree. I stress about this decision, but know that it is a good thing!

The boys are growing SO fast! Kaleb is excelling in school. Tonight he received an award for distinguished in all core content areas of testing. He is on the academic team, and is playing basketball. He really likes soccer better, so once we can sign up for soccer again he will be playing that! Kase and Kaden keep me on my toes. There is not much they do not get into! I have to say that they keep life interesting. They both enjoy soccer as well, but they will play about anything that mommie puts them in!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Like I said, I don't know how often I will keep up with this!!

We have had a great summer! Did not do a lot lot, but we spent a lot of time together as a family and with out GREAT church family! This picture is of our church camp out out Bailey's Point! We were richly blessed with the chance to spend the weekend with such an amazing group of people!

Today was the first day of school for Kaleb and Kase! Kaleb is in the 4th grade and did not want to go back. I think that once we get back in the swing of things he will do fine. He excels in academics and I don't worry about him. Kase is in Kindergarten and was very ready to go to school. He hit the floor running this morning with a smile on his face and all he could talk about was going to kindergarten! I have had a hard time with him this summer following directions and listening in general, and now I am wondering if it is because he likes the routine of school and like many people we do not have that during the summer. I am praying for a great year for them. Kaden will start his second year of preschool on the 17th. He was sad that he did not get to stay today, but is also excited to get to have mommy to himself for a few days!!

I was hoping to get a full time job at school this year, but that did not happen! I have put it in God's hands and I know that what is meant to be will be! I will still sub this year and be with the boys when I can!

Kris is working a lot, that always happens this time of year! When he is not at work then he is at the farm working in hay or the tobacco! We are about ready to start cutting our tobacco, let me rephrase that, he is about ready!! I don't get to do a whole lot of that stuff with the boys, I may get to do more since they are back in school!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Well after talking to a few friends and following a other blogs, I have decided to take the plunge. I am not sure how often I will keep up with this, but I am going to give it a shot! I want to keep everyone up to date on the Trent's as well as what God is doing in our lives! I hope that as my boys grow they will be able to look back at this and see how much we have grown as a family as well as what God has done with us! I hope that you enjoy what you read and that with something we do and I write about we can be a blessing to you!